Thursday, April 05, 2012

Has it Really Been That Long? / Mourning

I just noticed that I have not updated this blog in...8 months. I guess you know where my priorities are.

I will, at some point update this with what has been going on in my life since my last update but until then I need to concentrate on a current issue.

Today, I mourn. I do not mourn for someone close...I mourn for someone I barely knew. I mourn for a Brother in Christ (BiC) who was very ill. I knew that Luke was ill but I had no idea he was terminally ill. The only solace in his passing for me is that he is BiC and that he went peacefully in his sleep.

Luke did not look like your textbook Christian. He did not dress up on Sunday. He was not married although he had an adorable little girl. He did not have a stable full time job although he did work part time at the church as a handyman. He struggled to pay for all the meds he was on. About the only thing about him that was "Christian" that you would notice was his demeanor. He was very humble, meek, and subdued. He was quite and did not yell or get angry.

The first time you saw Luke you would probably notice his thin body was covered in tattoos. His ears were pierced with large holes that he filled with grommet style decorations. Luke was bald and wore dark rimmed glasses. He wore plaid shorts and canvas sneakers. At one time Luke was in some sort of band...rock, metal, punk, ska...I am not sure. As I stated I never really knew him well enough to find that out. Now I wish I did.

Luke was very quiet and only really spoke when spoken to. He looked a little out of place in the conservative church we attended but that did not seem to bother those who finally get to know him.

I am not sure why I mourn for him. I teared up when I heard that he died, unlike others at the church I used to attend. When others passed earlier than expected, I did not mourn. Maybe it is because they looked like what we are programmed to believe Christians look like. Perfect families, jobs, homes, lives.

Maybe that is why I mourn for Luke. He did not look the part but he certainly acted it. Luke was helpful, kind, and considerate. Before I left he was learning the sound and video management in the sanctuary and with his background in music I am sure he picked it up quickly.

Luke was in and out of the hospital over the past year and I knew that he was pretty sick but I just did not realize just how sick.

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