Thursday, July 08, 2010

How's The Weather?

I tell you, this year the weather has been bizarre. We had a a cool, wet spring and during the last 2-3 weeks of it, it turned HOT and very dry. Well, it did for a while. While it is still hot (90's) it is not as bad as it could be. No, the oddity is the amount of rain we have gotten off and on. It seems like we have been forecast for thunderstorms every day for the past month or so. Mind you it has not rained every day, but it has rained quite a bit over the past 2-3 weeks.

Of course, all that rain makes it hard to keep the grass in check. I normally cut the grass on Tuesday so they bagged clippings can be picked up on Wednesday. We have the trash, recyclable materials, and yard waste picked up in that day. Well, I was unable to cut it on Tuesday last week so the yard waste had to sit until this week. I did not cut the grass on Tuesday this week due to some scheduling issues with my wife. I was able to get it cut yesterday, right before the storms rolled in. The good news is that all the yard waste should be picked up today since we are on a one day delay due to most people being off on Monday for Independence Day.

Yesterday made the second time in a row that I was able to just finish cutting grass before the storms hit. God was watching out for me.

Considering how much rain we have gotten so far this past few weeks, I wonder how the rest of the summer will be. We started off hot and dry and now are moving into a period of heavy precipitation. I wonder if we will end the year wet like last year or dry like we normally do.

The northeast has been hot and dry. I am scheduled to go visit family and friends in near the end of August, traditionally the hottest and driest time of the year there. I wonder what the weather will be like then?

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