Thursday, February 05, 2009

Old Patterns Returning

I find myself getting back into my normal routine two weeks after we had to put Little Man down. I am walking The Golden most every morning now (much to her chagrin) and the walking is doing me good. I do not mourn heavily for my little buddy any more. I may get a little sad, but not heartbroken. This is a goof thing.

Work has been interesting. I got off call Monday morning at 7 AM only to have my TL call me and tell me his son was sick and he would be taking the day off. Then on Wednesday, my TL was sick, so I worked by myself again. To keep the risk of me catching whatever my TL has to a minimum (we share an office), we are working from home today (which I did on Mon and Wed instead of my normal Tues and Wed)...I am sure my boss is confused.

Also on the work front we have been informally informed that we will be moving in a few months to one of the major buildings of the company we acquired last year. I will be going back to a cube something I have not had in five years or so and in "hostile" territory. The folks we acquired still are not happy with us but they will come around eventually.

I also find myself beginning to like (perish the thought) my work smartphone, a Palm Treo 800w (which runs Windows Mobile 6.1)...but not as a phone, as a PDA. Yes it is Windows and yes it has to be soft restarted every week or so, but I like the rest of the software. As a phone it is inferior (in my opinion) to the Palm OS based phone. The ringtones are not as loud and the speaker phone not as clear or loud as my Palm OS based one. That will take some getting used to. I prefer a louder phone since I am in noisy environments and I am not one to turn on vibrate mode unless I am in church or someplace else where silence is the rule.

I received a surprise phone call last night from our son, Soldier Boy. He is still in PA with his biomom but he is thinking about moving back to Texas. He is training to be a recruiter and it is a job he enjoys and if what he is telling me is true, the Army will pick up the tab on the move.

We had not heard from him in about six months or so. He had not cashed his Christmas check, nor had he returned e-mails. I was beginning to think that he had gotten into some sort of trouble. From what I understood that is not the case. He did confide in me that he is beginning to see a side of his biomom that he did not know existed...a side I warned him about before he went to live with her. While it is too personal to divulge on the web in a blog, let us just say that he is seeing a lot of what I saw 20+ years ago when I was married to his biomom. At that time, it was not pretty. And while I am a new man and continually pray for her salvation, I cannot forget what happened. I can (and have) forgiven her, but I doubt I will forget.

It was a good conversation and I am glad he finally called. I am sorry he had to see some of his biomom's erratic behavior (and even more sorry that she has not changed) but we all have to grow at our own pace.

Soldier Boy stated he had an e-mail problem that still has not been corrected and now he is forced to use a Yahoo account instead of his military one but that does not explain why he has not contacted us. I am sure when he calls back to talk to my wife this evening.

Well, work calls. I need to see what trouble I can get myself into :)

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